Friday, February 6, 2009

This is me

I would say that I'm a pretty laid back person. If you saw me I think you would agree that most of the time I like to wear nice clothes and dress up, but I don't mind a nice pair of sweats every now and again. I could care less what people think about the way I look or dress. That doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt my feelings if someone did say something though. I think that the way I dress is a reflection on who I am. I try to keep it conservative and comfortable, but I love dressing up in a nice pair of heels and a dress, or jeans a boots, and I love wearing my cowboy boots. I'm a country girl! I try to cover up offensive areas and feel good in what I wear at the same time. I believe that your body is for you and your husband, not for the whole world to see. I think that says a lot about my beliefs. I a pretty modest when it comes to my looks, I just do what makes me feel good, I don't care if you think I look pretty or not. I also have 3 piercings on my ears and both of my tragus' pierced as well. I think that just shows that I'm open to piercings, but I don't want any others.
I make the choices that I do because I was raised to be myself. Not to do what everyone else tells you to do, but to be true to who you are and how you feel about things. I may not be the best at standing up for myself or confrontations, but I am who I am. My parents raised me to respect myself, and to make sure that others respected me. I think the way I dress shows that I would like to be respected. My parents don't like extreme piercings or big tattoos, but they're fine with my piercings, and my dad and I are talking about getting small tattoos together. I think that I've changed a significant amount over the years, I dress a little more casual/dressy now. No more Abercrombie and HCO all the time. (I still wear some but not as much). I'm still the same person, just a little more mature and sophisticated I would say. I'm not all about going out on weekends anymore, I study, work or just hang out with people. I think the way I act and carry myself now, shows that I have matured over these past few college years.
The beliefs and values of the peers that I hang out with, are much like my own. They value how they treat people, and how they treat themselves. I have several different kinds of friends. My friends from back home are a lot different from my friends at school. Back home we love bonfires, the beach, camping, fishing, going to the sand dunes, and hanging out. I think you would be able to tell that I'm from a hick town if you saw me doing the majority of those things. I don't really dress like I'm from the country when I'm here. A lot of my guy friends either dress country, casual, or classy. I would say that it reflects all of their values and beliefs. My country friends are all carefree and family oriented, (like most of my friends) my classy friends really like looking nice and taking care of themselves, and my causal friends are very kind and understanding. Most all of my friends have these attributes, but the most prominent ones are the ones I chose to talk about. I also have friends that act nothing like they dress. Some of my casual and classy friends are crazy party girls, and some of my tattooed friends are laid back and mellow. I think they express themselves in both ways. By going against what you would first think, and by acting just as they dress. I don't think that you can tell how someone acts purely by the way they dress, but I think that you can make some strong assumptions.

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