Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spirituality, Religion and Creativity

Spirituality is hard to define. I see spirituality as the faith and belief that there is a certain path for everyone in this world, the act of trying to reach your highest potential in this world. The idea that we are all here for a reason, and spirituality helps some people to focus on exactly what that is. Spirituality is based on meaning, understanding and knowing. It can also be the belief that you can connect and communicate with the spiritual world.
Spirituality differs from religion in several ways. Religion is the belief in a higher power, the worship of a God. Religion is the internal understanding that you were created by a certain being and the respect you show internally and externally in return. It is a faith in your God, a personal tie with your creator, and the way you live your life through that belief. Religion has to do with a group of people the believe in those same ideas. Spirituality is the belief in a higher meaning, not necessarily in a higher being. It is the idea of finding our spiritual path in life and your self journey to find that answer.
Creativity is usually defined in art, food, clothing, projects, and much more. Creativity is a unique ability to transform paint and a canvas into a masterpiece, or taking a cake and decorating it with grave detail and technique. It is the way you chose to dress yourself in the morning, and how you mix and match to fit your personal style. Creativity is also your way of constructively solving problems, coming up with ideas and following through with them to create a unique result. It's a way of expressing your personal ideas, usually by way of objects, and presenting the end result.
Creativity comes from within. We all think in different and unique ways, and we all have our own ways of expressing that creativity.
What is the source of creativity?

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