Friday, January 30, 2009

Edible art

The second site I found was focused on edible art. Food that is made to look pretty or resemble something like a (cake) table, or an apple that is carved into a frog, etc. The site focues on severl edible art galleries and ways to make edible crafts.
I didn't find a specific long article on this site but I found several small captions and little discritions of what they do and how its made. Also in the about me section it states, "Confused about everything crafty out there? Not sure where to go and what to buy for your latest craft idea? Can’t find that kitsch pattern that everyone else is talking about? Well worry no more!" I though this was interesting because they call this a "craft" which reminded me of when Tefler talked about if food should be considered an "art" or a "craft". Clearly on this site they consider it to be a craft. This blog has tons of links to several things that show the possible ways that food can be changed into something aesthectically pleasing. I don't think anyone would have a problem seeing these examples as either some kind of art or at the least, a very skilled craft. It takes concentration and effort to creat these beautiful pieces. Whats to say that they can't be art and craft? I think it's possible for them to be considered in both categories considering that some on the pieces are actually in the forms of paintings. There are pictures made completely of food and fun little crafts that you can do with your kids. I just think its a great site to show how creative and crazy you can get with food. I think there is a strong idea here when it comes to the consideration of art. People take what they do with foos very seriously. The very first thing that I found on this site was under a picture of the frog apple and it said, "This post showcases beautiful examples of creative food art. Our goal is to prove that it is possible to create amazing art with just simple food ingredients." They want to open your eyes to the possiblity that food can be created into anything and the fun comes right along with it. Obviously everything on this site is so amazing, that I don't see how it can't be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and the tastebuds! To me, it sparks a very aesthetically pleasing cord for me. It's fantastic what people can do with food. How can this not be art?

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