Sunday, January 18, 2009

Movie Awards/Heath Ledger

As I was searching through the blogs on Technorati, I found one that sparked my interest. I'm HUGE movie buff! I love reading reviews on new movies and looking for upcoming movies that I might like. I also love watching the awards to see if those movies got the recognition that I think they deserve. Anyways, I found a blog that talked about Heath Ledger.
I chose this blog because I really admired the work that Heath did in The Dark Night, as well as other roles he played. He was amazing! I've never seen someone who was so dedicated to a role. His performance gave me chills, and I know I'm not the only one who feels like we lost a GREAT actor. I was excited to see that Heaths work was widely recognized and respected. He's won several awards for his chilling performance as the joker since he passed. If you haven't seen The Dark Night, I suggest you rent it asap! You're missing out if you don't at least give it a chance. Heath makes me want to be an actress!

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